Thursday, January 10, 2013


Hi there!
I'm not sure how you ended up here, if you traveled from my older blog about losing Phoebe, or if you just stumbled along.  Welcome!
I've given up urgency for 2013 I'll pull this blog together as I go along rush!
I lost Phoebe over two years ago, actually two years, three months and one day.  Yup, I count the days, always will I think. She was only seventeen and she died by suicide ...out of the blue. 
My story is a lot like anyone elses who lost a child.  I wrote about my loss before.  I hope to write about my finding ....finding Phoebe in both the ordinary and extraordinary of everyday ...God is good.  Sometimes she shows up in remarkable ways, and sometimes it is as simple as "pass the salt."
I strive to live a Catholic life, practicing my faith as authentically as I can.  God is my source of strength, and hope.  He makes all things new ....all things. 
Walk with me a little while if you care, I'd love the company!

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