Thursday, June 27, 2013

Do Not Touch!

Two nights ago Nantasket Beach was in its full glory.  The moon, still full, meant an exceptionally low tide, leaving sandbars and tidal pools exposed.  A storm had just raged through leaving the sky with spectacular clouds rimmed in bursts of orange and pink as the sun set over Boston.  In this little town of Hull, a 7 mile peninsula jutting into the Atlantic, arching back towards Boston, we get the full view sunrise and sunset.  Nantasket Beach is my beach, it feels like home to me.  I have lots of familiar places and spaces, my home is my home, and lots of fond memories are conjured up and remembered from places all over.  But it is with my feet in this sand where I feel most settled.  And its a night to be settled.
Mary Claire makes her sand castles just beyond the tiny ripples of wave.  One of them stands tall, surrounded by a moat.  Another surrounds the small pool, I say it looks like a sea turtle.  Owen makes a run for a tennis ball, perfects it to a smooth track giving speed as the ball heads towards the ocean.  Lucy meanders between the two younger siblings helping, offering tips ...making things happen.  They are happy and free ...and here, on this sand, so am I.
It is the day after my sisters surgery, a double mastectomy.  Already, she is home, a brazen move on her part to get back into life as soon as she can.  She is halfway across the country, and I am here.  My life as a nurse causes me to worry even more.  Under this sky, I can imagine life less complicated, where the constant rolling in of waves isn't quite so rough. 
My sister's life has not been easy.  None of us sisters has had an easy life, and yet we've lived some great adventure ...even amidst the mundane.  This is another hard chapter for her.  She will survive it, because that's what we do. And we've survived lots of ugly things.
How much of our lives do we plan, do all we can to ensure nothing will go off track?  We tend, nurture, revise, research ...all in an effort to do things, whether parenting, professional, social, physical do them all the 'right' way.  And if we can just do them the 'right' way, nothing bad will happen.  Our children will thrive, our careers ascend, friendships will be genuine and loyal,  and if we do all the things we're supposed to do to prevent breast cancer ...we won't get it.  But that isn't how it works.  We can do all the right things, and still 'bad' things happen.  Essential for our survival is an optimism that transcends what the world defines as good or bad.  Despite the odds, despite the losses, the surgeries, the need to rebuild ....start over, a healthy, hopeful optimism that God is here and there ...that His plan is perfect, will win over all the worldly realities.  He won already for us, and we live in this valley of tears, but not forever.
My sister's story is still being written, and she has a journey ahead of her.  Please pray for her, pray that she be well.
We gather our things to leave the beach as night falls.  Mary Claire shouts 'wait' and heads down towards the water.  She picks up a shell and by each sandcastle carves 'Do not touch' deep into the sand.  The tide has turned and the waves edge closer.  She is certain her sign will preserve her castles, that she will come back to find them.
She's ready to leave the beach.
How many times have I written that sign around my life, my children, my home, my husband ...all the things I want to preserve and protect?  I write it over and over, thinking I can stave off the harm, the danger.  But I can't.  Life will take its own course, the one meant for each of us.  Some seem to live a life on smooth pavement, while others are given more treacherous routes.    In the past, I've shared about my mother, our mother, and her resilience, perseverance ...her utter mission to survive. Her life wasn't easy either.  She readied us for the challenges to come.  And her faith remained strong and constant all throughout.  Some days it doesn't makes sense to me that some should be burdened with so much, so often in this lifetime.
 In a moment of pondering a friend sends this to me  and then this The second one is long, took me several times through to begin to grasp it, and I will go back to it too.  The are both an exact answer to questions I'd prayerfully, but urgently, posed to God during Mass hours earlier.  This faithful, loyal, enormous hearted friend was prompted to send this to me in perfect timing, without knowing the moments of my own struggle.
My 'Do not touch' signs, are just that, signs ...of my fear, my uncertainty, my desire to protect and preserve. We can take all the steps we want, and we often should, even being sure to surround ourselves with people we think are of like mind ...and it can all turn.  And that's where we fail, in the trusting in our own steps, failing to trust in Gods, thinking we know better ....thinking we are as wise, or wiser than God.  But if He wants to bring about our own individual salvation, or those of someone we love ...He will choose the best path, and then our struggle is to give thanks in all things ...all things ...even the most despairing!
I don't want my sister to struggle or suffer.  I don't want her to live with fear of the unknown.  I want Mary Claire's beautiful sandcastles to be intact when she returns to the beach ....
But more, I want every cell of my sister to trust in God's way, to be free from fear (which is so, so hard, and a constant struggle!  I know, I live it!)  I want Mary Claire to see the flattened sand where her castles once stood and see the opportunity to rebuild, to make new ..and she will, because that's her way!   And she is still young enough to fully know that God makes all things new.
I would so appreciate any prayers for my sister, Betsy ...she would too!


  1. Prayers for your sister. I hope she takes it slowly at home. It's a season -- for healing-- and needs its own time.
    I have a dear friend who had a mastectomy almost a year ago, then chemo, then radiation, and just last week had major reconstruction. She wanted to rush through it all, but her body told her "no." Hopefully your sister will get the message and slow down.
    St. Anthony, pray for her.

  2. We all get so caught up in the rush of this life! There are times when we are naturally slowed, and its best to go with that! My sister had a different order, chemo, surgery, radiation to follow. It's been a long road and she's been very brave, with no complaining. She's my mother's daughter for sure! Another sister is with her now, and she can be very 'bossy', making sure Betsy does rest.
    Thanks for your prayers! Hope all is well with you!

  3. This is a beautiful message....I love the imagery of Mary Claire and her castles...and seeing the opportunity to rebuild....thank you for this. I am inspired as I witness the way you so courageously rebuild, trusting in Our Lord as the Architect, not fully understanding His plans, but with faith and obedience and trust, moving forward.....
